Repeating the word ‘buffalo’ eight times creates a complete English sentence. The same is true for the words ‘police’, ‘rice’, ‘sand’, ‘paper’, ‘air’, ‘art’, and ‘light.’ Because of this, any random, eight word sentence made from those words is a complete sentence.

Every time you refresh this page, one of more than 16 MILLION possible sentences is output along with a version of the sentence using rough synonyms and a short dictionary with more detail on how the word is being used. I call these, Buffalo Poems

Any meaning you find in these randomly generated sentences is unintentional and I would love more than anything to hear about it. Tweet at me @SummerTimeAlice and let me know how you interpret the sentences you get!

This content is available for free, but you can make a small donation right before or after trying it out. Every little bit helps me out. Thank you!

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